"Wah wah."
-Riker's trombone
I may have mentioned five or six times before, I didn't really like
Star Trek Into Darkness. It's not because it was a bad movie (although it kind of was) it's that it didn't really feel like Star Trek. It was just another brainless summer popcorn movie. But my shrugging dismissal of the film was nothing compared to the scathing condemnation doled out by the Star Trek fans attending the Creation Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas who
voted Star Trek Into Darkness #13 on a ranking of Star Trek films. Thirteenth, in a field of 12.
Wa-huh? Yeah, they counted
Galaxy Quest, the 1999 Tim Allen comedy which, despite not actually being a Star Trek movie, ranked higher than
STID on the list of favorite Star Trek movies. That's like...well, it's like this:
"My favorite child? Moms don't play favorites...but if we did I suppose it would go your older brother, your sister, your younger brother, your cousin Alex, Dave from next door, then you." |
Oh, right, the homemade uniforms. |
Even if you take
Galaxy Quest out of the picture, the film was still beaten out by the oft-reviled odd-number entries like
Star Trek V, the one where the crew blows up God and
Star Trek: Insurrection, the one where Worf gets a pimple. Even
Nemesis ranked higher and that one was so bad, and did so poorly at the box office that they had to reboot the franchise. But
Into Darkness made decent money, and it's got
an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes. How can it be so well liked by movie goers yet so hated by fans? Like, what makes trekkies different from other people?
Don't say it...don't you fucking
dare shout Kha-damnit Abrams! |
They...ok, we, are kind of obsessed with the source material, so it's important to us that the filmmakers respect it. We're not asking a lot, just that they not go out of their way to piss us off, something director J. J. Abrams seemed to set out to do. For example, you can't rip-off Spock's death scene from the
Wrath of Khan, and then expect us not to curse your name for all eternity. I mean, you're practically asking for it.
Whereas a normal person watches
Into Darkness, says '
hey that was neat' and moves on with their lives, a trekkie walks away fuming at how the writers and director don't know a goddamn thing about Star Trek. That's the difference.
"I think the fans are really going to enjoy this film because it encapsulates
everything that The Star Tracks is all about: explosions, revenge, gratuitous
shots of Alice Eve in her underwear. I mean, warp me up Scotty!"
-J. J. Abrams,
The guy in charge of Star Trek
I love you.