Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An exiting career in the field of dirtbaggery!

So on the list of people just being the literal worst, reselling hard-to-find video game consoles at a mark-up isn't that high up. I mean, it's shitty, but things like not wearing a mask or being Mitch McConnell are way, way worse.
Although Mitch McConnell actually does wear
a mask, so I'm not sure what to do with that...
And not for nothing but the PS5 is
aggressively ugly. Just...yikes. I'll uh...
I'll wait for the slim in a year or two.
I bring this up because the recent launch of the new Playstation and Xbox consoles last month were unmitigated shitshows. Not just because both the manufactures' and online retailers' websites went to pieces the moment the consoles were put up for purchase, but because of resellers. Which is infuriating. And I mean, I don't actually care about the new console generation that much. It's basically a five-hundred dollar upgrade for faster load times (cool) and improved reflective surfaces (m'eh), and you know, economic crisis, so, I can wait.

Anyway, it's the principle of the thing that gets me, but that's not what I wanted to talk about. According to Eurogamer, one group sucked up over twenty five hundred PS5's to resell. And that same group, CrepChiefNotify, even offers a subscription to their services to help aspiring resellers get started. 
Sign up today and get a free case of Monster Energy Drink!
(source: assumptions I'm making
 about the people who do this)
"If I can I put myself though college,
land a job and buy a house, so can you."
-A generation for whom 
college cost two grand
Gross, right? And sure, desperation breeds things like this. Speaking as a millennial-huh? Ok, fine, xillennial, I get it. There is virtually no way to support oneself in the gig-economy, free-lance, unpaid internship, capitalist dystopia that is America today without a side-hustle. And if you can rent a bunch of CrepChiefNotify's bots that will soak up a few dozen $500 game consoles that you can then turn around and sell for three times their MSRP all while you go one of your other two or three jobs, why would you not? Sure, because it's a dick move, but integrity's a luxury when you have student loans.

And look, it's not like I'm saying our thoughts and prayers go out to Sony and Microsoft. There are way worse scams. I'm only on about it because I'm a grown-ass adult who still plays video games and this is in the news at the moment. And besides, Sony and Microsoft got their money, I'm just saying that it's a sad state of affairs when game console reseller is a better career choice than, you know, actual jobs. 
Start you lucrative new career in the exciting field of being a dirtbag!

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