Wednesday, March 6, 2019

This is why no one likes these guys:

Hey, do you know who sucks? These guys. But since you never click on these links, I'm going to go ahead and explain who these guys are. They're Republican members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives' Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. You're probably wondering why I have such a strong opinion about people in another state whom I've never met and whose actions don't directly affect me in any way.
Because what's the internet if not a forum for us
to express outrage about things we're not involved in?
"Gun gun gun, gun guuuuns."
-Wayne LaPeirre, of the NRA
Well? Are you wondering that? Because if you're not then this is going to be a short post. Anyway, I'm calling them garbage people because-huh? Didn't I? Well, they are garbage people. I say this because they wore pearls to mock members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America who were testifying yesterday before lawmakers in support of a bill that would make it more difficult for people judged to be a danger to themselves or others to get guns. Turns out guns are like crazy easy to get, no matter how dangerous some one is.

Pictured: Dennis Miller. See?
The women testifying were telling stories about how they lost family members including children and are hoping that lawmakers might be willing to, you know, do something? But the five Republicans wearing pearls were evidently suggesting that these women were 'clutching their pearls' a phrase meaning to worry over nothing of consequence. Get it? Pearls? Yeah, I don't get it either, I guess that's why all the funny comedians are liberals.

Then some rando called Kimberly Morin from a group called the Women's Defense League, a women's anti-gun control group, chimed in on Twitter to explain that the legislators were actually wearing them in support of women. Specifically women who love guns.
"Typical liberals, always hating women and hoping we get shot."
-Women's Defense League
Which song? I don't know, probably one
about guns and how awesome they are.
Ok, sure, even if wearing pearls was some kind of pro-women who are pro-gun statement which it's not, of course it's not, we're not idiots, but even if it was like the WDL says, it's still hugely disrespectful towards the Moms Demand Action people. Like they were there to talk about the people they've lost to gun violence and you know, demand action. It's right there in their name. And the Republicans with their idiotic prop comic pearls might as well have been sticking their fingers in their ears and humming Ted Nugent songs.

Above: the official hat of asshats.
It's just...if you're a state legislator isn't it literally your job to listen to the public's concerns? Even if you don't like what they have to say and even if you have no intention of acting on their completely reasonable request that we maybe make it slightly more difficult for dangerous people to arm themselves to the teeth with military grade automatic weapons? I mean, would it have been so hard for them to just sit there and not mock a group of grieving mothers like a pack of asshats?

It was a dick move and they only compounded their dickery with that nonsense about how pearls are actually secret code for supporting pro-gun women. And remember when Hillary Clinton dismissed huge swaths of conservatives as deplorable and then had to say that she regretted it because it's only 'telling it like it is' when Republicans do it? This is what she was taking about: garbage people doing garbage things.
"That's women for you, always clutching their pearls and getting hysterical
just because their children might get gunned down at any moment thanks 
to our preposterously lax gun laws. Pfft...Women. Amiright fellas?"
-Let's say Representative Wallace
with the dumb haircut and 'stache

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