Thursday, December 6, 2018

Is 'garbage human' too harsh?

To be clear, I'm referring to humans
who are garbage, not our nation's many
hard-working sanitation workers.
Or is it just harsh enough? And has he tried not acting like some anti-democratic garbage human? Because that would seem like the first step towards-huh? Who's an anti-democratic garbage person? Why I'm glad I pretended you asked. I'm referring of course to North Carolina state representative David Lewis, who is the sponsor of a piece of legislation designed to rotate the chair of the state election board. Sounds fair, right? Yes, but like pretty much everything Republicans do and say right now, it's actually some partisan, anti-democratic garbage human horseshit.

The bill would establish that the chairperson in odd-numbered years would be from party that has the most registered voters which in North Carolina would be the Democrats. While in even-numbered years the chair would go to the party with the second most registered voters, so Republicans.
"Wait a minute...don't elections happen in even-numbered years?"
-Some stock photo person
"I was simply correcting ballots that
incorrectly filled out as votes for
a Democrat. I don't see the problem.." 

-Dowless, noted shitheel
Yup, that's right, Lewis's bill would make sure that Republicans, whom you might remember as the party who, having been dealt a bunch of losses last month, are right now busy spending their last few weeks in power in Michigan and Wisconsin hobbling the offices they lost and screwing over poor people. In fact, the North Carolina state ethics board has refused to certify the 9th district's results because it's pretty clear that some asshole called Leslie McCrae Dowless apparently stole and tampered with the absentee ballots so that Republican Mark Harris would win.

You almost have to admire the hutzpah it takes for Lewis to propose such a nakedly partisan bill designed to hand disproportionate power to the party most people don't belong to. On the other hand you totally don't have to admire the hutzpah. At all. 
"Hey, I'm just trying to carry out the will of the voters...
specifically, and exclusively the ones who voted Republican."
-David Lewis, North Carolina Rep. and 
symptom of our crumbling democracy
"White people...disenfranchising minority
voters? I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!"
-an easily shocked person
I mean, it sounds more like election fraud which, amazingly is the very thing David Lewis uses as the rational behind his attempts at passing voter ID legislation. There's something like 0 cases of proven voter fraud every year, but Republicans keep trying to pass ID laws to combat the non-problem, but such laws often have the practical effect of disenfranchising minority voters which, unsurprisingly, would benefit Republicans. So in many ways Representative David Lewis is the actual problem he pretends to fight. But wait, it gets better...or worse depending on how entertaining you find the death spiral of American democracy. 

"Huh? Shame? I think it's pretty obvious
I don't have the capacity for shame."
The rotating election board chair and the voter ID laws you can almost try and pass off as efforts to make voting more accurate and equitable. You know, if you squint, turn your head sideways and are intellectually dishonest. But the GOP has been fighting with the courts all year about district lines drawn by Lewis who said at the time, and I shit you not, he really said this with his word hole"I think electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats. So I drew this map to help foster what I think is better for the country."

Representative Lewis, Leslie McCrae Dowless and the GOP in general are acting like goddamn fascists. They've spent the last decade gerrymandering districts and disenfranchising voters to make sure their backwards, plutocratic, Reganomic-boomer nonsense is intractably lodged into American law long after their rapidly aging base has died off. Which is the exact opposite of the way democracy is supposed to work. 
"Annnnd done. Great work everybody. So, how long do you think
it will take before we fuck this up? A hundred years? Two? Well,
whatever, we'll be long dead. Whose up for sangrias?"
-John Adams, 1788

In related news...

What? Don't look at me like that.
I mean, they might as well.
The Republican Party recently retired their classic elephant mascot in favor of the herpes virus. According to the RNC:

"We feel that this new mascot better reflects the party's philosophy going forward. Like the mighty herpes virus, you're never getting rid of us, no matter how hard you try."

-RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel 
on the party's surprising move

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