Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yes, it's just like 9/11...

Hey, you know what's not in any way like stopping terrorists from flying planes into buildings? Shutting down the government because you don't like Obamacare. But that didn't stop Congressman John Culberson from saying the following in reference to a vote which would (temporarily) hold off the government shutdown: "I said, like 9/11, let's roll!"
"I'm just sorry I couldn't think of a way to compare Obamacare to the Holocaust 
but if you give me a few minutes I'm sure I can come up with something."
-John Culberson, Republican 
from, wait for it...Texas
Except instead of pulling people from
the rubble, they're saving them from
affordable healthcare...uh...hurray?
"Are you guys ready? Okay, let's roll" are the last known words of United Airlines Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer who, along with several other passengers attempted to take control of the plane from the hijackers on 9/11. So I think in Culberson's scenario, it's 9/11, the House of Representatives is Flight 93, Obamacare is a terrorist plot to murder thousands of people and the only way he and his fellow Republicans can stop it is by bravely and selflessly threatening to shut down the government. Holy shit, they're heroes! know, the opposite. Their plan is to shut down the government thus hurting government employees and costing taxpayers millions of dollars unless the Democrats give in to their demands and give them whatever the hell they want. Look, I don't want to play the 'let's compare people with whom we disagree to terrorists game' but seriously? 
"No, no, you don't have to thank us. Just remember that we're the party 
who fought to avoid the government shutdown we threatened you with."
-John Boener, pretty much
summing up Republican logic

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