Sunday, February 9, 2025

Really, entirely, outstandingly sick of this.

I left a voicemail this morning for Representative Mary Miller and you can too. Call (202) 225-5271. Huh? What about? I'm glad I pretended you asked.
Just wait until she comes in on Monday and sees that blinking red light.
Trans women=women. The math
on this really isn't that hard.
On Thursday, Miller, a representative from Illinois and--you guessed it, a Republican--referred to recently elected congresswoman Sarah McBride as "...the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. McBride." Hang on, what' wrong with that? Welp, McBride is a trans woman, the first out trans woman elected to congress, so the proper mode of address would be "...the gentlewoman from Delaware, Ms. McBride." But why would Representative Miller refer to Representative McBride as--oh.

Representative Miller, seen here not
being affected by trans people at all.
Yeah, because Miller is being a shitty, petty, aggressively rude jerk face. She is of the opinion that McBride and all other trans people for that matter are, I don't know, faking it? Her opinion is objectively incorrect, and it shouldn't be on us to explain why, I mean, she could like, look it up. She'd then see that the American Medical Association recognizes that gender is a social construct and isn't the same thing as sex. She could also look up the data on how many sexual predators are straight cis men. She could even just accept the fact that trans people existing doesn't affect her life at all. But instead she chooses to join the alarmingly vocal ranks of trolls scapegoating perhaps the most vulnerable of Americans. Because something something the economy? Because last I checked nothing the administration has done this far has made groceries any more affordable.

Turns out being a decent human
being isn't like, all that hard. 
McBride, for her part and being made of sterner stuff that I would be, didn't take the bate, but instead laid into the President for his twenty-one day and count assault on democracy, the separation of powers, trans people, immigrants, people of color, good taste, the English language, and generally everything he said over the past decade and a half. She did it without misgendering anyone, calling anyone names (something I'm incapable of doing, see above) or saying anything that isn't true. She's a rockstar. 

And I don't know about you, but I'm so sick of this nonsense. I mean, I've been sick of it for some time, but I've just recently become really, entirely, outstandingly sick of this. And I know Representative Miller is going to get a thousand other messages from people upset by her behavior, and it's not going to phase her, but it felt good to call. Really, try it sometime. That number again is (202) 225-5271. Tell your friends. 
"Hello there, Representative Miller? We just wanted to give you a ring and
let you know that we're really quite fed up with your transphobic horseshit and that
if you don't knock it off, you're going to find yourself out of a job, you MAGA heel."

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