You suck, Google! He exclaims, typing on a Google blog. But I mean for real. I want it known that I have taken time out of my life to tell them so:
Pictured: me screaming into the void. |
Persian Gulf? Hmmm...three stars? I guess it's now the front runner. |
I have never before left a review of an entire Gulf, but here we are and in a sense I didn't leave the review in the first place. That is, when I searched later in the day for one star reviews, I didn't see mine. It's like, it never even happened. Tears in the rain. Maybe I did something wrong when searching, or maybe Google just doesn't show posts newer than a month ago because they don't like people pointing out their pandering? Toadying? I don't know what the precise phrase is, but--oh! Shameful capitulation! They don't like people pointing out their shameful capitulation.
I also gave feedback on the Google search result that has the President's dumb re-name coming up rather than the actual name of the gulf that's been used since the Age of Sail, but I mean, I know it's not going to change anything.
"One of our users has expressed disappointment in our move to appease our nation's many racists. What are we going to do? He even blogged about it!"
-Google's...I don't know, board?
Interestingly enough, Presidents Day is still on the Google's calendar... |
Cynical? Yes, I've defiantly become more so. But did you see that the company
has removed Pride Month, Black History Month, Indigenous People Month, Jewish Heritage Month, and Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Back in mid 2024...ok, so it's not part of the Trumpy revisionist nonsense that's happening now, but it is a disturbing trajectory. The company insists that it's scaling back becuase the number of observances has become unwieldy, but I mean, do you notice any commonalities between the observances on the list?
You know, the genocide guy? |
If you said that they all seem to be holidays and observances that call attention to marginalized people, you'd be correct. Did Google also purge other holidays? Ice Cream Day? Talk Like a Pirate Day? No idea. That's a just degree of research you don't pay me enough to do. But I can open my Google calendar and look: Ok, so Juneteenth is still standing, but I suspect that's just because the average MAGA goon doesn't know it's a thing yet. Also intact are Tax Day, Flag Day, and Columbus Day. Yeah, goddamn Columbus Day made the cut.
You know what else did? Black Friday. Which, last I checked, isn't a holiday but rather something businesses made up for marketing purposes. Yes, someone or some
someones sat down and made the call: Black Friday is in, Holocaust Remembrance Day is out.
Black Friday, our highest of holy days when Americans, still reeling from ourThanksgiving gluttony, dutifully march down to Walmart and Target to get into fist fights over Harry Potter Lego Sets and flatscreens.
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