Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Is "nazily" a word?

Ok, so yes, Professor Pamela Karlan's comment in the hearing today about Donald Trump's kid was dumb. Like, super dumb. She, along with three other law scholars were brought in to testify before Congress about how this shit show that is the Trump administration is basically the death knell of the Republic. Karlan then made what can best be described as a tortured analogy to illustrate a point about presidential power.
You wouldn't think we'd need a team of legal experts to explain
how the president breaking the law is against the law, but here we are...
"Wait'll I tell the guys, we're going
to have a field day with this one."
-a cricket
"Contrary to what President Trump has said, Article 2 does not give him the power to do anything he wants, and I'll give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king, which is the Constitution says that there can be no titles of nobility, so while the president can name his son Barron he can't make him a baron."

-Pamela Karlan, giving Republicans something 
to glom onto for the rest of the news cycle

Which, ok, she is 100% correct: the president can't do whatever he wants and he can't confer titles of nobility. But on a day in which four constitutional experts testified about how fucked up the president's actions are and on a day on which Republican Tom McClintock nazily demanded to know who the experts all voted for, we're instead talking about her lame joke about the President's kid's name.
First of all, they don't have to answer that and second of all,
most of us didn't vote for Trump, so what's his point?
Breaking News: Mike Pence thinks
Democrats should stop investigating his
boss's many high crimes and misdemeanors
We'll have more on this story as it develops.
The comment was-huh? Is nazily a word? I'm going to say yes. Because when you do or say something that only a fascist would do, say like demand that people testifying before Congress give their party loyalties so that you can try and discredit what they have to say, you're doing something nazi-ish. Nazily then is the adjective. Now, where was I? Oh, right. Anyway, Karlan later apologized but I mean, the damage was done. Mike Pence called the comment a "new low" and said that "Democrats should be ashamed. Enough is enough. This sham impeachment should end."

And look it's true, Karlan should absolutely not be brining family into this. Into this impeachment inquiry as to whether or not the President withholding military aide from another country unless they agree to investigate his political rival's son was a gross abuse of power. For real, does he not see the irony here?
"See? Finally, you get it. It's only a new low when Democrats do it."
-Famously irony-proof Vice President Mike Pence

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