Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Ken Cuccinelli: wordsmith.

Pictured: the President humping the flag.
Look, I know that nothing some idiot says in a dumb nerd blog is ever going to persuade Trump fans who have stuck with him through all the Russia stuff, the sexual assault accusations, the conspiracy theories and the open racism that it's time to jump ship but what is it going to take? These are people who pride themselves on patriotism and justify whatever batshit comes out of the White House by insisting that they just love American than the rest of us, but holy shit, this guy.

Which guy? Ken Cuccinelli, the head of Immigration Services who suggested that we should change the words to Emma Lazurus' The New Colossus, you know, the sonnet written about the Statue of Liberty? He'd like to change it to better reflect the Trumpian worldview.
You know, this worldview.
I guess "no poors" didn't scan.
Instead of crying with silent lips: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." In an NPR interview with Rachel Martin, Cuccinelli said he would rather it read: "Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and will not become a public charge..." instead. And I think this says a lot about Cuccinelli. Not just that he shouldn't write poetry, but that he's a racist, classist shitheel who shouldn't write poetry. Or vote.

"Now we don't have to sound racist when we
reject applicants. We can just check "too poor.'"
This all because of the Trump administration is instituting a new policy designed to make it even harder to emigrate to the U.S. Soon Green Card applicants will have to prove that they are unlikely to ever need public assistance. If they can't, Immigration Services can reject their application on the grounds that they'd be a drain on the tax payer. If it sounds like a needlessly cruel and hypocritical rule designed by racists to make it easier to reject immigrants based on national origin, it's because it is needlessly cruel and hypocritical.

I mean, first of all, never needing public assistance is something most of us can't promise. Second of all, is immigration really the number one crisis facing America? I'm no economist, but the national deficit isn't $800 billion because of immigrants, it's $800 billion because the game show host most of us didn't vote for is mortgaging our future to corporations.
Speaking of public assistance, how many golf trips have we paid for?

That's-a spicy bit of historical irony!
Also, while illegal immigration is all the right wants to talk about, we're like what, ten years out from murdering each other in the streets over drinking water? Can we maybe focus? Look, I'm not saying we, as a country, have a sterling record when it comes to living up to our slogan as a "nation of immigrants." In fact, the year before Lazarus wrote her poem, President Arthur signed the Chinese Exclusion Act into law. But for real, it's 2019 and a guy with a name like Cuccinelli should know better.

Anyway, I guess what I'm missing here is how come the right is allowed to pass themselves off as the party of patriotism while at the same time supporting-with rabid foam ferocity-an administration that hates brown people so much that they want to take a chisel to the plaque under the Statue of Liberty?
Sure this guy's spouting a lot of misogynistic, anti-labor, white supremacist,
xenophobic nonsense, but I mean, look at that shirt. He must be like, super patriotic.

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