Sunday, June 18, 2023

He's like the Immortan Joe of Texas...

Sure, it denies water breaks to construction workers, but maybe this bill does a bunch of good things too? I mean, it doesn't, but we should give Greg Abbott the benefit of the--sorry, I can't even type that with a straight face. I mean, the man's a monster.
Pictured: Texas Governor Greg Abbott, seen here lording over
the supply of water before a crowd of thirsty construction workers.
Above: some of the Texas road workers
Greg Abbott will be endangering next summer.
Look, I don't live in Texas (thank liberal Jesus), and I'm not a construction worker, but holy shit. Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill this last week which will eliminate local rules that give construction workers ten minute breaks for hydration and sun protection. In Texas. In a time where each successive summer is hotter than the last because the climate is spinning out of control. The bill goes in to effect September 1st, so workers should have some time to get their affairs in order. Greg Abbott: what a guy.

"Gentleman, a toast: to human suffering!"
According to the Texas Tribune, supporters say that the bill eliminates a bunch of local ordinances that get in the way of business. Everyone else in the world says that construction workers are human beings and business can go fuck itself. I guess not being content with Trans erasure, suppressing the vote, and relegating women to the status of property/baby factories, the GOP has turned it's aggressive lack of empathy on to the hourly workers who maintain the State's infrasctucture. Why? Who even knows with these people.

Pictured: Austin, one of the few
acceptable parts of Texas.
Texas has the most heat related worker deaths per year of any state, even California which has more people. Of course, California has laws in place protecting worker safety, and is, generally speaking, better. Austin and Houston have laws protecting these breaks and San Antonio was working on one, but so much for those. Hey, guess which counties were won by Democrats in the last election cycle? If you said Travis, Harris, and Bexar counties, you'd be correct. You'd also be really good at naming counties in Texas. I had to look those up

Anyway, for a party that's been blowing its own, tired horn over how anti-big government they are, they sure love telling local municipalities who they can and can't let die from heat stroke. 
I suppose the joke's on them. If construction workers quit, who will maintain all
 the highways Republicans need to drive their ludicrous, oversized pickup trucks? 
And without giant pickup trucks, how will mediocre white men feel powerful?

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