Sunday, June 26, 2022

I want to throw a brick, how 'bout you?

Sure, like this one.
"And after we ban gay marriage and condoms, I
think I'll kill and eat a puppy. In front of some kids."
-Thomas, villain monologging 
Why and through what? I should think the why is pretty obvious. A Supreme Court overstuffed with ideologically backwards perjurers appointed by a President more people voted against than for took away a states' right to regulate concealed weapons the day before they granted states the right to rob half the population of their right to exercise control over their own bodies. Oh, and then groping enthusiast Clarance Thomas suggested that the Court look into some other hard-won rights like marriage equality and contraceptives. 

As for through what, I don't know, a window? Preferably a plate glass one because of the satisfying noise it would make.
That'll do.
It might not seem fair, but without it how would
underpopulated, mostly white rural states wield
outsized political power over the rest of us?  

Ok, to be clear, I'm not going to throw a brick at a window, I just want to, you know? Like, really want to. It just feels like there's nothing else to do. I live in California, so it's not like I can vote Mitch McConnell out of office. In fact, there are only three and a half million registered voters in his home state of Kentucky, so like, one percent of the country by my admittedly remedial math. Which makes it's a little weird and infuriating that the guy they keep electing got to steal a couple of Supreme Court appointments for Trump, permanently damaging the credibility of the Court and putting us all in this nightmarish position in the first place. 

"Huh...maybe we are less important
than a collection of cells..."
-women, according to the GOP
Anyway, I say all this because it feels like all we can do is want to throw a brick at the crushing futility of trying to un-rig a system these people have worked so tirelessly to rig. And to what end? I mean, what's their endgame here? Like, do they think women will simply stop seeking reproductive care? That we're all going to suddenly see the error of our ways in thinking that abortion access is a fundamental right? Or marriage equality? Or contraceptive access? Because that's not going to happen and fuck them for thinking so. 

All it's going to do is make us think about throwing bricks, or maybe even going ahead with it. Who knows? I know it's sinking to their level in a way, but then again they just made abortion illegal in half the country. And they attempted a coup. And they lauded Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero and he murdered two people. So really, we've got a long way to go before getting even close to their level, so yeah, why not throw a brick?

Again, I mean this figuratively. Or do I? Yes. But do I?

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