Saturday, February 13, 2021


Phew...that was close, for a minute there it almost looked like Donald Trump would be held accountable for something. 

"Not on my watch..."
-Ted Cruz, Senator 
and impartial juror

I'm sorry, is it his charm? His eloquence? Did he
take their families hostage? Seriously, I'm asking.
Just kidding. At no point did anyone think that seventeen members of the GOP were going to suddenly develop a sense of loyalty to anything or anyone other than the narcissistic, rambling conman they for some reason let hijack their party. Seven did, and that's super, but I think we all know that the rest of them went in to this with absolutely no intention of listening to the evidence. At all. This was their way of saying to the world that a racist, two time popular vote losing, sexual assault enthusiast was more important to them than a functioning democracy.

The Republican party: 
"Fuck it, we're just going full fascist."
-The new GOP slogan
I suppose we can take some solace in the fact that acquitted isn't the same thing as innocent. Of course, we could just as easily allow ourselves to be consumed by the cold terror that today's acquittal is only going to embolden his supporters. A sitting President did, after all, incite an angry mob to try and overturn the election, and he's getting a pass. What's worse is that even now the GOP is introducing legislation in thirty-three states to make it harder to vote. It's part of their effort to stamp out the rampant voter participation that lost them 2020. Yup, they lost, so the plan is to make it as difficult as possible for people to vote. The party of Lincoln everybody...

Anyway, what I'm saying is that now would be a swell time to kill the filibuster, ram through some desperately needed voting rights protections, admit Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. as states, and pack the Supreme Court. 

Because for real, this is not how any of this is supposed to work.

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