Saturday, February 13, 2021

Don't be like Biggs Darklighter.

Sorry to be like a dog with a bone about this, but the whole Gina Carano thing just keeps going. The MMA fighter, turned actor, turned vocal right-wing conspiracy Tweeter, turned unemployed actor has now turned movie star. 

Pictured: me, metaphorically. I'm not really a pet person.

Baio's most recent project was a
photo he tweeted of a Micheal's
craft store display he messed up.
Well, ok, I'm going to have to walk that back a bit. When I say movie star, I mean she'll be starring in a movie developed and produced by herself and fellow conservative with a persecution complex, Ben Shapiro, that tens of people will see...and then turn off when they realize they're watching a gross Republican thing. Yes, Carano will join the ranks of such right-wing film and television luminaries as Rob Schneider, Tim Allen and uh...who else have they got? Oh, Scott Baio. May his star never stop rising. 

Pictured: Joss Whedon, a victim of cancel
culture who is right now being brutally
held accountable for things he's said and
done to people who couldn't fight back.
Anyway, Carano and Sharpiro are presenting this as a response to or a clap back as the kids would say, at cancel culture. You know, the phenomenon of holding people accountable for their words and actions through social pressure? Usually this happens in cases where there is no other recourse, say, because the person being "canceled" is unlikely to face other consequences for their shitty behavior. Carano's shitty behavior started with a transphobic joke, but came to a head when a Tweet comparing conservatives to Holocaust victims surfaced. 

The cancelation took the form of not having her contract with Disney renewed, and a social media backlash which Carano and supporters view as a grave injustice while the rest of us see it as, you know, what happens when you post hateful bullshit on social media. 

Just desserts, if you will. Huh? No, I'm not sorry.

In an interview with Deadline, Carano said:

Gina Carano, champion of people
who want to make transphobic jokes...
"I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can't cancel us if we don't let them."

-Gina Carano speaking to Deadli-
wait, now the filter's off? All those 
posts were her feeling stifled? 

But this is just the beginning tweeted Carano before characterizing her new career move as a rebellion...which I'm sure has nothing to do with her previous role in Star Wars:


"Yeah, but it's not Trump's fault, I mean, what
was he supposed to do? Not incite a violent
 mob to overturn the election he lost?"
-Ted Cruz, evidently
I'm usually the word rebellion suggests a group of disempowered people fighting against a powerful establishment, which is I think is interesting coming from a conservative. Like, wouldn't conservatives, by definition I mean, be those who support the establishment? I guess I just feel like casting oneself in the role of the oppressed rings a little disingenuous for the American political right when--despite being at a numerical disadvantage--they continue to exercise disproportionate control over government. I mean, they just had an insurrection over it.

I guess I'm baffled by people like Gina Carano who seem to think that facing public backlash for hateful things they say makes them the scrappy underdogs fighting against an oppressive establishment. Like, if the cause you're fighting for is the right to spread dangerous nonsense about wearing masks in a pandemic, or if you're railing against being asked to use someone's preferred pronoun, you're not one of the good guys.

"Luke! I can't believe we're going to blow up the Death Star!
 Just think: once we're free of the Empire's brutal, liberal totalitarianism,
we'll finally be free to tell everyone what we think of the Jews!"  
-Biggs Darklighter, making
Luke very uncomfortable

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