Sunday, January 17, 2021

Yup, I have opinions about this too.

Also, I don't think we need a Venn
 diagram to show the overlap between
flat-Earth and stop the steal people.
Oh, and another thing, what's up with-huh? Yeah, I'm going to talk more about the Discovery season three finale. You knew what kind of blog this was going in, and I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. And besides, we're basically in a horrific holding pattern of perpetual anxiety until Inauguration Day when we find out whether or not there's going to be another coup led by the political spectrum's equivalent of flat-Earthers, so it's not like we've got much else to talk about.  

The internet is 78% fans voicing 
opinions about TV. The rest is racists
making up shit about election fraud.
No where was I? Right, more unsolicited opinions about Star Trek blown into the internet like so much dandelion fluff. But first, if you haven't seen season 3 of Discovery, go watch it. I'm going to spoil things, and I want to hear about it, ok? Back? Super. Again, overall loved Disco season 3, it had a cool new setting and the central mystery was intesting. Characters like Owosekun and Detmer got more to do, and the new characters, Book and Vance are were great additions. I'm looking forward to the new status quo with Micheal Burnham as the captain setting out to bring the Federation back together. 

But can we talk about the costumes? I kind of don't love the new uniforms. Not flying elevator fight scene hate, but just, I mean:

"Oooff...yikes, I"

Maybe in the future, humans will have
evolved beyond the need to look good?
Look, I respect the skill that goes into design but, just no. It can't be easy, I mean, it's the future so you can't just put everyone in t-shirts and jeans, and it's not a period piece, so you can't just recreate historical fashion. It's got to be an incredibly daunting task coming up with what clothes and uniforms would look like in a thousand years. And I'm sorry to even rag on this point. It's a great show and has otherwise had some great costumes. I mean, holograms with bow ties? I goddamn love that. The new uniforms though? Not my taste. They're just...bleh.

Again, love the show, just not sure I'd
join a Federation that wears dove grey.
I mean, it's going to show stains.
Truth be told, I'm a little embarrassed to even voice an opinion about this kind of thing, and I hope you can still respect me. That is, if you ever did before. Anyway, I just can't get behind the bland grey tunics with equally bland grey slacks tucked into jackboots. Oh, and those weird little plates at their necks that display their ranks, just makes the whole thing come off a little too Starship Troopers and feels a little generic sci-fi to me. I guess if I were to glibly sum up the look, I would locate it somewhere at the intersection of UFO cult and fascist pajamas. 

I don't know, I mean, Starfleet uniforms have never been great. I guess we should be thankful they're not lycra one-piece jumpsuits. And I suppose they're not the worst uniforms the cast of a Star Trek production have ever had to endure. 

Above: the worst uniforms the cast of a Star
Trek production has ever had to endure.

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