Saturday, September 19, 2020

Today in fervently wishing:

Because seriously, fuck cancer.
Like hours after we lost Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to pancreatic cancer, hours, Senate Majority leader and former turtle muted by ooze into a rough approximation of a man, Mitch McConnell released a statement praising her life and career before explaining to us that he'll be replacing her as swiftly as possible with whatever right-wing goon Donald Trump nominates from what I assume is some kind of list of the worst people in America, many of whom are probably married to his daughter. 

No really, fuck cancer, the GOP and 2020.
This of course being in direct opposition to the wishes of Justice Ginsburg who said in final statement as dictated to her granddaughter from her death bed:

"My most fervent wish is that I not be replaced until a new president is installed."

-Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 
fervently wishing what we're 
all fervently wishing today

Yeah, most of the pictures today are
going to be of RBG. What of it? 
And no, constitutionally her last words carry no weight when it comes to filling the vacancy. But the infuriating part, the bald-faced hypocrisy of it all is that back in 2016, nine months before that year's election, Mitch McConnell choose to defy all precedent and refused to hold a vote on President Obama's nominee to replace the late Antonin Scalia. At the time he insisted that he was somehow honor bound to do so so that the American people would have a voice in process. Or, in McConnell's own words as Tweeted by Chuck Schumer last night:

Above: Chuck Schumer shoving Mitch McConnell's own
words back at him. Which would work if McConnell had
even a modicum of human decency, but here we are.
Also a speech isn't a rule, so
 McConnell can shut up now.
At the time, McConnell said he was invoking the "Biden Rule," something Republicans have been echoing ever since. Which, couple things. Yes, Joe Biden gave a speech in which he suggested that President Bush (the first one) shouldn't fill a Supreme Court Vacancy until after the election. But he made this speech in June, which was much closer to the '92 election than Scalia's death in February 2016 was to the 2016 election. Also the whole thing was moot because there was no vacancy. 

"Shame? That's a good one."
-Senator Mitch McConnell,
unrepentant garbage human
McConnell wasn't so much invoking a rule as he was trying to steal a goddamn Supreme Court seat. And he succeeded. And now without a shred of irony or shame he's announced that he's reversed his position and will be stealing another one. I suppose it's possible that public pressure might, might compel a Republican senator or two to break ranks and refuse to approve a nominee until after January, but that's probably putting too much faith in people who put noted misogynist and beer enthusiast Brett Kavanaugh on the bench.

And on a day when we should be reflecting on the devastating loss of a champion for women and social justice we're instead contemplating the incalculable damage a third Supreme Court appointment from a guy most of us didn't vote will bring. 
Pictured: Ruth Bader Ginsberg, seen
here being irreplaceable. 

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