Monday, August 3, 2020

You can't just sue America great again...

Oh this isn't going to be pleasant. What specifically? You may ask? I mean, yeah, there is a lot to choose from, but I'm referring specifically to the President's rabid foam railing against mail-in voting and his obvious softening the ground for himself to challenge the results of November's election. Assuming the election even happens in November. Or ever again.
"Here's your ballot, please indicate on a scale of 'Great' to
'So Great you can't even believe', how great President Trump is."
-Our increasingly likely future
"What? You expect us to win
elections based on our merits?"
-Mitch McConnell, 
without irony
Lawmakers in Nevada passed a bill on Sunday that would require every voter in the state to be sent a mail-in ballot in times of crisis, like say, when there's a super-contagious and deadly respiratory virus floating around coupled with an aggressive form of Presidential incompetence that makes everything like a hundred times worse than it needs to be. The vote was unsurprisingly along party lines since Republicans just openly acknowledge now that when more Americans are able to vote they loose. You know, you'd think they'd take the hint, but here we are.

The President's argument, that he's been making forever despite never providing a hint of a whiff of a shred of evidence, is that mail-in ballots would compromise the integrity of the vote. Which...sure, but since since baseless arguments are apparently not working, why not sue?
Cool, he knows what a coup is, right?
Above: The Republican Party reacting to
the suggestion they they might actually
have to stop being so awful all the time.
So couple of things. It was a vote, not a coup. Also, it was a vote by lawmakers who won their respective popular votes. Um, it's not impossible for Republicans to win, they just have to persuade voters instead of relying on gerrymandering and voter suppression. And I can't speak to the Post Office's ability to handle more mail, but they'd probably have an easier time of it if Republicans weren't trying so hard to dismantle it. And as far as COVID goes, the fact that it's still a massive problem is kind of his fault so...

Oh, and I almost forgot. He's right about one thing: we will be seeing him in court someday. I just like to think that it's not going to be in the context he thinks it will be.
I know it's just the fantasy of a bleeding heart liberal reaching the end of his
wits when it comes to watching America be dragged down in a seemingly endless
spiral of nationalism and self-destruction, but it's all that's keeping me going.

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