Monday, June 24, 2019

...definitely this Boomer though.

Like Neo, except he dodges questions,
is older, more insulting and bad at it.
Exactly what was Jack Tapper expecting from Mike Pence? I ask because I guess he interviewed Mike Pence on State of the Union yesterday and asked him if he thought climate change was a threat. And Pence dodged the shit out of the question. Vice President Pence, probably best known as the homophobic ex-governor of Indiana and as a man so hyper-manly and virile that he cannot allow himself to be left alone with a woman who is not his wife lest he transform into a hormone-driven hurricane of sexual desire (ewww), was never going to give anything approaching an actual answer on this. Ever.

Anyway, Tapper was asking America's number two about how and why on God's formerly green Earth would the Administration roll back the last dangling thread of the Federal regulations standing between us and climatic collapse and Pence launched into some fairly standard right-wing bullshit about how he and the President will 'always follow the science.' Remarkably, he said this with a straight face. We'll follow the science. Yeah, ok. That's what Republicans are famous for, following the science.
Above: an excerpt from a Republican science text.
Remarkably, the predicted impact on
rents in Manhattan will be negligible.
Tapper then pointed out that the science and our own government says that anthropogenic climate change is one hundred percent a problem and asked if Pence agreed which, of course he didn't. Instead he spouted nonsense about clean coal and how Democrats and their kooky Green Deal are going to ruin the economy. And yes, if you're thinking to yourself that the total collapse of human civilization might also have a negative impact on the economy you'd be right, but Pence isn't going to make that connection. Ever.

How come? I don't know, he's got some kind of neurological disorder that allows his brain to disregard objective facts that disagree with his worldview? Maybe he drank the Trump-flavored Kool-Aid (again, ewww)? Or maybe, and this is by far the more cynical and more likely reason: he understands and doesn't care. Doesn't care because he's sixty and rich enough that it simply won't be a problem for him personally. Which brings us back to an earlier point about how Boomers are the worst. Specifically this Boomer:
Pictured: What? He's full of shit and his cognitive dissonance
could lead to the end of civilization. So yeah, the worst.

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