Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Prop 8-Ball

Holy shit, again with the feet dragging? I hope you weren't planning to get gay married in California anytime soon because lawyers for Prop. 8 have asked for a mulligan. Yeah, because that's what you do when you don't get your way, you take a do-over. It's like they didn't like what the magic 8-ball said so they're shaking it again and again in hopes of getting an 'Outlook Good.'

I mean that metaphorically of course as most Prop. 8 supporters consider the
Magic 8-Ball a form of sorcery along with fortune cookies and the Weather Channel.
Hey Andy, if 7 million Californians told you
to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?

Andy Pugno, the head lawyer for the Project Marriage Coalition (an anti-equality group with a lot of time on its hands and a seemingly inexhaustible legal fund) said this (possibly even with a straight face):

"This gives the entire 9th Circuit a chance to correct this anomalous decision by just two judges overturning the vote of seven million Californians."

"Reconsider? Alright, fine: Prop 8 is
unconstitutional and you're all dicks."

-Some Judges
Hmm. So the PMC is giving the 9th Circuit a chance to reconsider their reconsideration. How thoughtful of them. Hasn't Prop 8. been thrown out twice now? At what point does this stop being just legal maneuvering and start to qualify as harassment? Like could I maybe have a list of people who are members of the Protect Marriage Coalition and then get a judge to put their marriages on hold? I can say that marriage between homophobes offends Lloth* the Spider Queen. Then when my case gets thrown out for being stupid and crazy, I can appeal and throw up legal obstacles for years. How's that sound?

What? Legally, the wishes of the Dark Goddess of the Drow should carry as much
weight as that 'definition of marriage' horseshit the Prop. 8 people are peddling.

*I'm opting for 'Lloth' as opposed to 'Lolth' as the this is the (admittedly archaic) spelling preferred by the Dark Elves of Menzoberranzan. That's a +2 to my nerd roll.

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