So, I just want to be clear that I'm not mad that there wasn't a tsunami. I'm really not. I
do however want to talk a bit about the Santa Cruz County Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience. Which, no really that's what it's called, because Santa Cruz is going to Santa Cruz. But back to the cataclysmic death wave:
Uh-huh: "until local officials say it is safe to return." Remember that bit, it will come in handy later... |
The red is the possible tsunami danger zone, the yellow is us, and the whole thing is in the unaffordable rent zone. |
First we got the above warning accompanied by every phone in earshot blaring that alarm sound. Ok, fair enough: flee the city. At this moment I and everyone with a screeching iPhone, was in Santa Cruz, California, about a mile from the shore. As it happens, Santa Cruz is on the north end of Monterey Bay, and we're kind of used to these things not really applying to us, as the bay sort of shields us a bit, but part of the county is on the coast and was included in the warning. Maybe the notification technology isn't sophisticated enough to parse out which parts of a county are affected, so they just tell everyone to head for the high ground and sort it out later. Whatever, a quick map check says we're not in the zone. Super.
Oh, so we are going to die? Make up your minds, would you? |
Around noon the National Weather Service gave the all clear for the entire California coast and we all went back to living our lives of pleasant weather and clinging to the knowledge that at least
we voted for Kamala. But ten minutes after the all clear from the NWS, we get a whole other warning from the County Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience--which is the most Santa Cruz name for a thing ever--telling us "get away from the coasts because tsunami." Look, I don't want to tell the SCORR&R how to do their jobs, but this back and forth is seriously affecting my resilience.
Another trip to the NWS site confirms that this is nonsense, but I mean, someone had to push the send button, and they probably also have access to the NWS site. So maybe check it out before sending us all back into panic mode? It was another half an hour before the Santa Cruz Office of Response, Resilience and Manifesting Positive Vibes called their warning off, and I just need them to get it together next time, you know?
Oh, and if they could look into getting an Oxford comma while they're at it, I'd be much obliged. |
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