Monday, February 19, 2024

Go shower gross

No, really, what's up with YouTube algorithm? I ask because it keeps trying to get me to watch videos by this guy who complains about how the film industry is going woke and consequently broke. Gross, right? 
It rhymes, so they must be on to something, right?
You'd better listen up collective entity that
 is Hollywood, this guy's got your number.
Yes, super gross. Like go shower gross. And when a YouTuber's video is entitled "Madam Web FLOPPED SO BAD that Hollywood wants to BRING BACK the MALE AUDIENCE" one makes some assumptions about them. First, that the maker of the video isn't entirely clear on how capital letters work. Secondly, that the video is some incel screed about how movies starring women make them feel feelings. Thirdly, said YouTuber has opinions about how Hollywood can, nay must redeem themselves. 

At no point does--huh? I don't know how, I didn't watch the thing, but I glean from the titles and descriptions that he's suggesting that film makers try making movies for men for once. 
Men are, historically, an underserved demographic
when it comes to film and television.
(source: nonsense)
Above: this, but with the self-pitying rage of
fragile men and the anonymity of the internet.
I didn't see Madam Web, and sure, the critical reviews have been m'eh, though none of the ones I've read have cited "too many ladies" as a problem with the film. I suspect this YouTuber is coming from a place of insecurity. Like I said, I'm not going to watch his weird, misogynistic nerd videos but I am going to suggest that this is a part of a larger internet-based rage volcano on the part of grown-up man babies upset by the slight--like, barely a blip--uptick in the number of women-led genre movies. 

At this point, I'm beginning to suspect
that Citizen Kane is no Citizen Kane.
And while I don't want to dignify the misogynerds' argument, I am going to put it out there that comic book movies, as a thing, are maybe wearing a bit thin. The Marvels was another recent female super-hero movie that garnered an outsized dude-bro backlash for threatening their precious worldview. I watched it yesterday, and yeah, it was tepid, and no Citizen Kane, but I think the last Marvel movie I didn't nod off in was Thor Ragnorok. 

That was like seven years and thirteen movies ago. Yikes. You know my point was going to be that representation isn't the reason comic book movies are not drawing audiences but rather that the genre's a bit played out. But I think a much better point would be that instead of whinging online about how movies staring women are ruining one's life, one could, I don't know, read a book or maybe go outside? 
Touch grass, as the kids say.

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