Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Explain to me how we're the snowflakes here?

Once again, we awake to read about a tragedy unfolding in an American school. Students in Jenna Barbee's fifth grade class in Hernando County, Florida were brutally and callously shown a movie that acknowledged the existence of gay people. 
Pictured: a child sobs after being shown a movie with a gay character.--I'm kidding.
 These kids go through routine active shooter drills, it's the parents who are the wusses.
Above: noted man-baby Ron DeSantis,
seen here yelling at kids to take their
masks off during the pandemic.
The film, Strange World, is some woke liberal Disney claptrap about how destroying the environment can have, you know, cataclysmic consequences, and features a male teen character who's attracted to--gasp!--another male teen. I've never seen Strange World, and I'm not sure about the educational value of watching a cartoon in class. Particularly in a State like Florida where a thin-skinned man-baby is doing his damndest to make sure the kids don't learn anything other than how great America is and how slavery really wasn't all that bad. 

But whatever, the film's pro-environment message and inclusive cast make it more educationally valuable than anything the State of Florida currently allows. Of course, in doing so it also violates Florida's Don't Say Gay bill which--yes, I know technically it's called HB 241 Parents's Bill of Rights, but we're not idiots and it's entirely about erasing queer people, so it's the Don't Say Gay bill, shut up Ron, yes it is.
Pictured: the aforementioned man-baby grinning after signing his
shitty bill, surrounded by a bunch of kids he's using as political props. 
Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them
shriek into a phone until they get their way.
Jenna Barbee's egregious crime probably would have gone unpunished had it not been for the heroic actions of one parent who bravely picked up the phone and complained. Complained that their parental rights had been violated. Specifically their right to foist their ignorant, hate-filled worldview on the rest of us. Which, I mean, for an ideology so vocally all about freedom and self-reliance, kind of feels, I don't know, like naked hypocrisy? And how did the Left ever get saddled with the epithet "snowflake" by these people.

Anyway, the Florida State Department of Education isn't saying whether Barbee is under investigation, but she totally is. And I can't help but wish America's Right would direct just a fraction of the outrage and willingness to take action towards something other than queer-bashing. Something productive. Something like, I don't know, doing something about actual problems like, say, all the kids murdered with guns every year?
A vigil is being organized for Barbee's victims, and if you'd like to make a donation 
to the families of the children who were irrevocably groomed by the revelation 
that sometimes people have same sex attractions, you may do so here.

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