You've got to feel for the White House Press Secretary, right? Well, the current one, Karine Jean-Pierre, not Sean Spicer or Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Pictured: Sarah Huckabee Sanders seen here calling the women who accused Donald Trump of assault liars, or possibly calling Democrats baby killers. It's hard to say. |
"And before you ask, Pete Doocy, no, the objects aren't angels either."
-Jean-Pierre, covering her bases |
I say this because Jean Pierre
had to reassure the press--a room full of adults mind you--that we didn't just shoot down four alien spacecraft:
"I know there have been questions and concerns about this but there is no, again there is no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns..."
-Karine Jean-Pierre, on how
definitely alien these objects aren't
"Our patented five blade design ensures a close, comfortable cutting through of the bullshit." |
And I mean, really? Is that really a question the White House has been getting? Ok, fine, of course it is, but I kind of think they can just let them stew. Stew in their tin-foil hat juices. Sorry, that's a mixed metaphor, but I think you get me. Of course this rash of as-yet-unidentified high-altitude objects has nothing to do with aliens.
Of course it doesn't. Not just because of some Occam's razor argument--although, also because of that that--but because it's preposterous. And a little insulting if there are aliens.
Do we have a tachyon detection grid? No? Then they have nothing to worry about. |
Ok, to be clear, there are absolutely aliens out there. Like, it's just math. Whether or not they can or even want to visit us is a whole other question. But let's say sure, there are aliens with the technology and morbid curiosity to check out our backwards, fossil fueled little garbage fire of a planet. Are they doing it with balloons? Balloons easily visible to our tracking devices and vulnerable to our puny weapons? Or are they scanning us from a distance in cloaked spaceships with sophisticated sensors? I'm not an alien, but I know which I'd pick.
Call me a skeptic, but to get here, they would have presumably crossed impossible, interstellar distances and I just have a hard time buying that they'd not only come all this way to surveil North America, but to do so in a hospital gift shop mylar balloon that can be taken out by bunch of pre-warp barbarians.
Although in the unlikely event that these things were alien in origin, I feel pretty good about our chances should they try and invade. |
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