Monday, October 11, 2021

Oh, now he's not going to cooperate?

Sure, Chuck Schumer can be a little abrasive, but Mitch McConnell should maybe lay off the suggestion that Schumer calling out Republicans on their bullshit is partisan. He's made a career out of partisan. A protracted, ruinous career which, thanks to a lack of term limits on the Senate, will likely go on until he runs out of spaarti clone cylinders. 

Pictured: some of the strandcast bodies McConnell has in
reserve in the dark cloning labs beneath the Capitol building.

"Because intransigence has worked
pretty well for me so far. Remember that 
time I stole two Supreme Court seats?"
-Mitch McConnell
Again, 100% Schumer probably could have held off a day or two instead of immediately--like, the ink wasn't even dry--laying into Mitch McConnell and the GOP over the way the entire debt crisis was entirely their fault, but in his defense the entire debt ceiling crisis was entirely their fault. Probably. I don't know, I'm not an expert on these things, but this prompted Mitch McConnell to write an angry letter to the President insisting that he's not going to ride to the rescue next time. Which again, I don't understand why McConnell thinks he deserves a cookie for being intransigent in the first place. Because no cookie.

Like, a lot has been made about how offended Mitch McConnell was and how he said that Schumer has "poisoned the well" and how John Thune "...let him (Schumer) have it" and did you see poor Joe Manchin burying his head in his hands? 

Pictured: Joe Manchin getting a taste of how we feel watching the GOP
dismantle voting rights while he hems and haws over the filibuster.
Not pictured: any sympathy for Joe Manchin.
Yes, I harp on this a lot, but look at Texas.
Look, but don't ever, ever set foot there.
But as impolitic as Schumer was being--and he was, gloating is never a good look--the GOP (and I'm including Joe Manchin in this, because I mean, c'mon), has already made working with them a "hold your nose and try not to gag" prospect. Remember that time an angry mob tried to overrun the Capitol and crown a former reality TV host President for life? Because they don't. Or that time Mitch McConnell sat on one Supreme Court appointment and then rushed another so that said TV host could fill them? 

I guess what I'm saying is fuck Mitch McConnell. I know, it's not an original sentiment, but it's just that I think we're all a little sick of this man no one outside of Kentucky voted for wielding so much power over our lives and futures. And now he's unwilling to work with Democrats because Chuck Schumer--who isn't wrong--hurt his feelings? And how are we supposed to tell this new, uncooperative Mitch McConnell from the regular uncooperative Mitch McConnell we've had to endure all these years?
Above: McConnell's letter to the President. 
Here, I'll sum up: "Waaaaaaaah..."

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