Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Today in why this is still a thing:

I'm sorry, help me out here. Is all this because Republicans love the pandemic or because they hate Democrats? 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa...can't it be both?"
-Ron DeSantis, the Florida Man-ist
Florida Man who ever Florida Man'ed
"It's only overreach when Democrats do it."
-Governor Abbott, Republisplaining
All what? Why the batshit crazy resistance on the part of conservatives to the basic, completely reasonable suggestion that people wear masks and get vaccinated so we can all get on with our lives. I ask because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott are staging total nutties over this while people are dying. Both have banned mask mandates and are going so far as to threaten school officials' salaries if they dare to defy them which is weird because aren't Republicans all about freedom from government interference? Like, holy shit, pick your hill guys.

Pictured: why we're boned.
This is why we're so boned as a civilization. I'm sorry to get all bleak here, but how are we even supposed to solve any of the problems we face when a chunk of the country is not only actively working to make things worse, but has made a virtue out of doing it? Reliance on fossil fuels sending the planet's climate into a death spiral? Tough shit, we love our trucks. Mass shootings are a daily occurrence, but we can't even talk about reasonable gun control laws. In fact, more guns! Because freedom. 

But the minute a woman walks into Planned Parenthood or a trans person is looking for the restroom, or a school district wants everyone to mask up in the middle of a pandemic that's killed hundreds of thousands, they're all about inserting themselves into the conversation, passing laws, and imposing their dumbass worldview.
"The Republican Party is all about freedom: the freedom to do what ever we say 
you can do. Isn't that what America is all about? The answer is yes. Because I said so."
-Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on
why a lot of kids are gonna die

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