Saturday, May 1, 2021

I sure this will be above boards...

Because you shouldn't fill a Supreme Court
seat in an election year except when you should
fill a Supreme Court seat in an election year. 
We're like a hundred days in to this new Senate, so why haven't we abolished the filibuster, passed H.R. 1, made D.C. a State, and added three new Supreme Court Justices to balance out the three Mitch McConnell seats stole? The GOP has spent all this time trying to make it harder for people to vote, redrawing district lines and as I type this the Arizona State Senate is letting some random stop the steal nuts re-re-re-count the 2020 ballots because Trump keeps spouting nonsense about how he won. Which he didn't. But sure, let's listen to him some more. 

Pictured: Kern, seen here being
super-impartial you guys. 
It's the exact same nonsense that incited a coup that no one from his own party thinks is a problem. In fact, one of the people auditing the ballots is former police officer and State Representative Anthony Kern. Kern lost in 2020, but while in office proposed a bill to get his name taken off the "Brady" list, which is a list of law enforcement officials with "integrity concerns." It's a bad cop list and Kern's a bad cop who tried to use his position as a legislator for personal gain. And he was part of that coup attempt. So that's cool.

Oh, and the reporter who discovered that Kern was part of the recount was kicked out of the building. They said it was because the reporter, Ryan Randazzo, tweeted a photo that included a ballot. It was illegible, and plenty of other photos and videos from the audit have been published, and Randazzo's also showed Kern involved in the audit. But I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.
If you can't choose hyper-partisan operatives with an
agenda and an aversion to transparency who can you trust?

Above: Just some of the Stop the Steal
people who rioted because the don't like
Democracy. So, let's keep humoring them.
And I mean, what even is the point? The election is over, there's already been like multiple audits, and the count was certified, and, Arizona's eleven electoral votes wouldn't change the outcome. So even if the audit turned up something, it won't, but whatever. These are a bunch of Trumpy conspiracy goons, at least one of whom is on an official list of liars, so let's say they just make something up, which they almost certainly will. What then? I guess they could point to it as justification for some racist voting restrictions, but they already passed those.

So what even are we doing? You know, I think the real frustration here is that if this fake-ass audit run by people who love Trump so much they literally shat in the halls of the U.S. Capitol doesn't turn up the voter fraud they imagined, they're not going to go away. Like, all this time and money and effort and there's nothing, nothing that will solve their crazy. 
"Ah ha! Right here in this envelope is proof that Donald Trump won the election
and-huh? No, no we can't show it to you. Just...just trust us and swear Trump back in."
-Republicans, on the assumption 
that we're all idiots

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