Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Dashed, like so many mandolins.

What even is this? I mean, why say something like that if it isn't real, and if it is real, why would they say it's not and-huh? What am I--this:
Pictured: fan favorite Worf, son
of Mogh and pooper of parties.
Yeah, that's Micheal Dorn, the actor who for fifteen years played Worf on Star Trek through two hundred and seventy two episodes over two different series (The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine), and the four TNG movies. He even played Worf's grandfather in Star Trek VI. He's a goddamn nerd legend and from that tweet one would reasonably conclude that he's been asked to reprise the role in one of the seven or eight Star Trek shows or movies currently in production, right? Except no. It's all a lie designed to crush our pandemic-weary spirits. 

Fan site Trekmovie.com says they've confirmed with sources that it's not happening and--wait, sources? Like, a guy in a trench coat lurking in the shadows of a parking garage? Sometimes I think we take fandom way too seriously. Sources...
Pro tip: When searching for images of Deep Throat
for your dumb blog, be sure to specify Watergate.
Ok, but I'm never not going to
skip the ads, so why even ask?
So why would Dorn tweet that if it wasn't real? Is he trolling us? The article from Trekmovie speculates that the #ad means it's a promotion for something, but surely anyone selling something must know that it's not cool to toy with us like this. You know how ads on Youtube just start anywhere during something you're watching? Like, right in the middle of a sentence sometimes. Well that's a surefire way to make sure I'm not buying whatever's being advertised, and likewise asking Micheal Dorn to tease the return of Worf is a definite no-go. 

There is no excuse for not
making this happen. None.
But perhaps a more important question is if this isn't real, why isn't it real? As I mentioned before there's a ridiculous amount of Star Trek spin-offs right now, one of which has already had half the cast of The Next Generation make guest appearances on it so why in the name of gre'thor isn't Worf coming back? In fact, why doesn't he have his own spin-off where he can drink prune juice and threaten to kill people where they stand? Why I ask you? And while we're at it, why isn't LeVar Burton hosting Jeopardy right now?

And sure, I realize that I'm probably overly concerned with former Star Trek actors getting new gigs, but it's just that this tweet and the subsequent denial by unidentified sources only serves to raise and then dash our hopes like...like...
...like a mandolin.

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