Tuesday, March 2, 2021

This is why I can't sleep:

Are you even...are you even kidding me? Like, ok, so one of the things that literally keeps me up at night is the GOP. Why? I'm glad I pretended you asked. Because for some reason I take it incredibly personally that I live in a country that just lets it continue to be a thing. 

Pictured: Me. Every night.
(overly dramatic reenactment)

"Yeeeehaawww, yaa'llll!"
-Texas Governor Greg Abbo-
what? He might as well have...
Because it's the political party that as recently as two months ago attempted a coup. A coup! And saw nobody responsible for inciting it or abetting it saw any consequences. Because they let one of their congresspeople harass another congressperson with transphobic horseshit directed at her trans daughter. Because just today the Republican governor of Texas decided to end the state's mask mandate and allow businesses to open despite everyone who knows what their talking about begins him not to. Thanks Texas. I was hoping for ten more months of this.

Look, they are, and I don't I'm being unfair, the single cause of everything wrong in America today. Ok, ok, I need to calm down, I get it.

I know I sound like a lunatic right now, but think about it.
Student debt, healthcare, guns, like name a problem that wouldn't
be easier to deal with if the GOP just evaporated one day.

Which is something that's not
really a problem for Republicans.
Did you see this thing a lawyer for the RNC said to the Supreme Court today? It's part of a case about ballot harvesting which is I guess legal in most states and both parties do it as a way to get their voters to vote--particularly ones who have some sort of barrier preventing them from doing so. These barrier disproportionately affect people of color. The Arizona (Republican) legislature passed a bill banning it, but a lower court struct it down because it, say it with me, disproportionally affects people of color.

Is it me, or does Michael Carvin look
exactly like someone who would argue,
without a hint of shame, that it's unfair
to Republicans to hold free elections.
Michael Carvin, their lawyer, was asked by Justice Barrett...yes, that Justice Barrett, the one Mitch McConnell--you know what? This will go faster if I don't fall down that particular hole right now. Anyway, she asked why the RNC is interested in keeping people from turning in ballots to other precincts. To which Carvin replied:

"Because it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats. Politics is a zero sum game."

-Michael Carvin, Republican lawyer on how
his party relies on racist laws to hold on to power 

You'd think their issue would have been
with the cis male creeps who are trying
to perv on women, but here we are. 
Which, I mean, of course, but he's not supposed to say it, right? Like we all know that Republicans will twist themselves into logical pretzels to justify their racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic platform. Remember the bathroom bills a couple of years back? They came up with some nonsense they were protecting cis women from cis men who might dress up as women so they could hang out in women's restrooms. They made up a nonsense-or at least incredibly unlikely scenario and then tried to use it as justification to treat trans people like shit. 

In this case, Carvin isn't even pretending to be protecting election integrity from the no cases of voter fraud that happen every year. He's just straight up asking the Supreme Court to let the state party make up any bullshit they want. Will they fall for it? Who can say? A barking mad gameshow host that lost two popular elections got to fill three seats so you can see why I fly off the handle about this kind of thing.

"Look, you have to understand, the GOP is made up of a shrinking
coalition of bigots, religious zealots, gun nuts, and the wealthy. If you
don't let us throw out votes, how are we supposed to stay in power?"
-Michael Carvin, no really,
that's the RNC's argument

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