Tuesday, January 5, 2021

More like Perdon't...

Can you believe it? What kind of country do we live in where a sitting President can't commit a federal crime in private? I mean, it's like the terrorists already won...

Sometimes I think that Republicans' words and actions are
their own worst enemy. Well, that and an informed electorate.

Is it me or is the "It's only a crime when
Democrats do it" defense wearing a little thin?
Yeah, did you see this? Republican Senator David Perdue in an interview with Fox News took Georgia Secretary of State and fellow Republican Brad Raffenspurger to task for recording and then releasing the hour-long conversation he had with the President in which Trump pressured him to falsify the election results. You know, to commit election fraud? Which is weird because the only reason we're still talking about the election is because Republicans have been baselessly claiming that it was rigged.

How was he raised that hypocrisy and
fascism were accept-oh, right, Republicans...

Senator Perdue told Fox News, with what I presume was a straight face and total lack of self-awareness or any sense of irony:

"I guess I was raised differently. To have a statewide elected official, regardless of party, tape without disclosing a conversation--private conversation--with the president of the United States, and then leaking it to the press is disgusting."

-David Perdue, possibly
burying the lead

I mean, clearly he was raised differently. Or maybe he was just born without the part of the brain necessary for hearing oneself speak. Either way, the story is the that President tried to get a state official to steal the election for him, not that he got caught. 
"It's a condition called moderate to severe Fuckwititus and it's characterized 
by a distinct lack of human empathy and an assumption that the rest of us are
idiots. It affects about half of all lawmakers. I'll let you guess which half..."
-Some doctor

You're right, that was unfair.
Sometimes it's a Ford.
Bur really, I can't help but wonder if this isn't, like everything the GOP does now, a calculated move designed to appeal to the rabid-foam Trumpies in hopes that enough of them will crawl up out of their Rapture bunkers and climb maskless-ly into their oversized black Dodge Rams draped with flags and drive down to polling places to menace and breathe on voters. Perdue, after all is one of two GOP Senators in today's runoff election, and needs to win to keep the party majority in the Senate and ensure that they can keep making our lives miserable. 

Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'll be plugging my ears until the runoff is over. It's not that I don't care--quite the opposite--it's that those of us who don't live in Georgia can only stand by while our anxieties consume us and besides, I've made a New Year's resolution to play more video games. 
Pictured: my actual fingers, seen here crossed in an ultimately pointless,
yet soothing expression of hope for an outcome that won't leave us at the mercy 
of MAGA goons, Republicans and their moderate to severe Fuckwititus.

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