Friday, June 5, 2020

What's in the box?

These masks. But settle down,
I'm getting there.
I think it's super that law enforcement released this guy's masks but-huh? What masks? I'm glad I what masks? And pretended you asked because-wait-what do I mean: why did I say I'm glad I pretended you asked? Seriously? It's a little thing I do to start one of these posts. Have you need read one of these before? Have you been pretending all this time? I'm hurt. Really, I am. But I'm going to press on and pretend I pretend you asked "What Masks?" That ok with you?

The post office is also still a thing. At least
until it's declared a terrorist organization.
Super. So the masks in question were Rene Quinonez of Oakland California who according to this story from Huffington Post made these medical masks for protestors in New York, Minneapolis, Washington, and St. Louis. You know, because of that pandemic we all forgot about. Yeah, that's still a thing, and the fact that we've stopped talking about it is probably a good indication of how important these protests are. Anyway, he went to mail them at the post office.

Four boxes, a thousand masks. And then they disappeared and the website told Quinonez that they'd been seized by law enforcement. No explanation. Weird right? Wrong. Terrifying. Quinonez now suspects that he may be under some kind of government surveillance. In America? Preposterous!
Hey, remember that time the Attorney General of the United States put a bunch of
anonymous, armed quasi-police with zero accountability on the streets of the
Washington D.C? So really nothing is preposterous in America anymore.
Probably not.
On most people this would look like paranoia, but Quinonez was sending a thousand reversible masks reading "Defund the Police" on one side and "Stop Killing Black People" on the other. And that looks like law enforcement doesn't like what Quinonez was shipping and so they seized it which begs the question how did they know what was in the box? And since there's no legal way they could have, we're left with one conclusion.

"Hey! Remember me?"
-Coronavirus, kinda salty 
about getting upstaged
That Rene Quinonez's social media is being monitored by law enforcement. Which you'd think law enforcement would see the irony of abusing their authority by illegally seizing property that criticizes the institutionalized abuse of police authority but here we are. Anyway, like I said, after the Huff Post article ran, the vaguely-defined law enforcement agency-we still don't know who precisely-released the masks and sent them on their merry and that's super because again, still in the middle of a pandemic.

So what, do they want a cookie? Like, for reluctantly and anonymously returning illegally seized property, consequence-free, and only after the media drew attention to their shady-ass, fascist, cancer-man bullshit? Because they don't get a cookie.
I guess what I'm saying is that if you're comfortable being the cigarette smoking,
shadowy figure, skulking in the background, spying on people and pulling the
strings, you're not the good guy here and you get no cookie. Ever.

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