Because I'm a little unclear on this point. Look, I don't want to tell the Tennessee State Legislature how to state legislate, but holy shit people, I mean, holy shit.
Pictured: literal fucking Nazis. |
"It's-<bang> It's about denouncing white
<bang> supremacists <bang, bang> For real?"
-Clemmons, between gavel bangs
What am I talking about?
This. No, you have to click. We've been through this-you know what? Fine. I'll explain.The Tennessee State Legislature couldn't even get it together enough to have a discussion about a resolution to declare white supremacist groups terrorist organizations. Yeah. Representative John Ray Clemmons wrote a resolution and brought a motion to have it discussed and was met with the committee chair’s gavel bangs the awkward silence of four white Republicans who didn't want to even talk about it.
"A resolution to...uh...neo-Nazis... uh...terrorists...hey, is it hot in here?"
-Every Republican in the room
Again, holy shit. Here's what they didn't even agree to discuss:
"[W]e urge law enforcement to recognize these white nationalist and
neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations and to pursue the criminal
elements of these domestic terrorist organizations in the same manner
and with the same fervor used to protect the United States from other
manifestations of terrorism."
'Are you kidding me?' I'm sure you just said aloud. And no, I'm not kidding you.
"I mean, c'mon, what are we doing here?"
-White Jesus
When asked by reporters why in the name of white Jesus he didn't even want to talk about denouncing white supremacist groups, Republican Bob Ramsey said it was because
"We have no expertise on it. How can we determine these groups are terrorists? We don't know the federal guidelines on terrorism."
-Bob Ramsey, wait
for it, Republican
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and hands out anti-semetic flyers in the parking lot of Staples, it's probably a Nazi duck.
Pictured: A Nazi, the internet really does have everything. |
"Yeah, and while we're on the topic, maybe
stop saying 'chinaman?’ It's embarrassing."
-some grandkid
He insists the sticking point for him was classifying these groups as terrorist organizations, and not the '
intent or philosophy of the resolution,' but if that were true and not the blatant horseshit it smacks of, then why not at least discuss it? I mean, first of all, since when does a Tennessee Republican give a shit
about federal guidelines? Secondly, I know he's like seventy and conservative, but he still has internet access. I mean, why doesn't he look it up, or get one of his grandkids to do it? And while they're at it, they can explain how racist he's being by not even discussing the resolution.
Pictured: Ryan Williams, Tennessee
Republican and Alfred E. Neuman cosplayer |
But whatever, this whole things is Clemmons' fault,
at least according to House Republican Caucus Chair, Ryan Williams who knows what it takes to be a great legislator:
"Part of being a great legislator is knowing your bill, knowing the committee that it's going through, working the vote and asking for a motion and a second before you get there. That's what great policy making is. It's pretty simple."
-Ryan Williams,
Actually no, we probably shouldn't
be making assumptions about Republicans
and their ability to make good choices... |
Look, I don't live in Tennessee, I don't know any of these people involved here, and I certainly can't say I'm qualified to tell anyone else what makes a great legislator, but is Williams not aware that Clemmons was asking that they consider a bill about condemning white supremacists? How well does he need to know the committee? Shouldn't he be able to assume that everyone on the committee is con-white supremacists? Even if they are Republicans? Williams is right, it should be pretty simple, it's just that...shouldn't Clemmons have been able to assume that everyone is anti-Nazi?
I mean seriously, it kind of leaves one to draw the unsettling conclusion that either they are cool with white supremacists, or that they hate Democrats
so much that they won't even discuss one of the few things thing we're all supposed to agree on.
Nobody's asking them to get behind the estate tax or to
sign Nancy Pelosi's birthday card. All they had to do was come
down on the side of Nazis are bad. Should be a no-brainer. |
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