Hey look, apparently I haven't been wasting my life, I've been appreciating art. New York's Museum of Modern Art (or MoMA for lazy people)
is adding video games to its collection of crazy shit we're told is art! And may I say it's about damn time.
Finally, the world can appreciate 1994's medium-defining Shaq Fu. |
Blowing quarters at the arcade? No,
you were investing in an art degree. |
The collection will initially consist of 14 games including classics like
Tetris and
vib-ribbon...what you've never heard of
vib-ribbon? Yeah, me neither. That's probably because it's art and we're all philistines. Check
out the list and add +5 to your geek roll if you've played even than half of them. But don't worry, according to the museum's curator Paola Antonelli, more well-known and you know, better games like
The Legend of Zelda and
Street Fighter II will be added over the next few years because seriously,
Canabalt? Is that even a thing?
Anyway, it looks like those years spent in our parents basement, risking scurvy and heart disease will finally pay off. How you might ask? Snobbery of course. Have you ever had a serious argument over
Wind Waker's visual style? Do your eyes mist up at the mention of the opera scene from FF VI? That's not fanboy-ish obsession, that's appreciation of fine art. Oh yes nerds, we're all art critics now.
"Poppycock! Any assessment of early 21st century console-based action RPG's that doesn't
recognize the contributions of Gunpei Yukoi isn't worth the blog space it's posted on. Harumph."
-Art Critics
too bad I don't live in New York.