Friday, April 6, 2012

The Church of Vulcantology

What? L. Ron Hubbard did it,
why not Gene Roddenberry?
This Easter weekend, I think we should take a moment to remember the story of a man who came from above. A man who died so that others would live, and then returned to life. No, he didn't die for your sins, but he did get the warp core online. Join us here at the Church of Vulcantology in remembering the death and resurrection of our most venerated Human/Vulcan hybrid, Mr. Spock, and please also enjoy this illustrated telling of the Resurrection of Spock for the whole family (assuming of course that the whole family enjoys casual swearing). Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen Star Treks 2 and 3. But if that's the case, why are you even reading this?

"Settle down, all I said was that I know for a
 fact that God hates you. What's the big deal?"
-Rick Santorum, probably
Hey, but for real, I mean no disrespect to the Jesus fans out there. Anyone who stands up to a massive, super-powerful organization like the Roman Empire just to say that maybe we should all treat each other like brothers and get along is pretty awesome. On the other hand the people who take that story, load it up with a bunch of misogynistic, homophobic and racist bullshit to fit their prejudiced worldview and then use it to attack those who don't agree with them can live long and suck it. So to everyone but them, Happy Easter!

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