Tuesday, June 1, 2021

No, I stand by it. He is.

You know who's a real piece of shit? Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Sorry, I mean, I don't usually start off so bluntly, but he is.
What? He is. 
Pictured: Republicans.
Yesterday, the Texas House of Representatives were getting ready to vote on Senate Bill 7--another bill designed to make it just miserable for people who aren't rural Republicans to vote--when the Democrats walked out. The move left the House without a quorum and is now, for the moment, dead. Cool, right? Yes. But then Governor Greg "Real Piece of Shit" Abbott tweeted out that he's going to withhold paychecks from legislators unless they come back and let the GOP steal all future elections forever.   

Won't that also cut the Republican's pay?
Man, they must really want to steal elections.
Abbott, taking on Donald Trump's mantle of "Threat Tweeter" had this to say:

"I will veto Article 10 of the budget passed by the legislature.
Article 10 funds the legislative branch.
No pay for those who abandon their responsibilities.
Stay tuned."

-Gred Abbott. Tweeting. Haltingly.

Oh. Right.
The bill, designed to combat the rampant voter fraud that Donald Trump made up--and why would he lie?--would, among other things, curtail mail in voting, reduce voting hours, and allow partisan poll watchers (and this is Texas, so I'm guessing armed partisan poll watchers) to get right up in voters faces. Well, ok, it just says they can get close and only as long as they take an oath not harass voters. And if there's one thing I definitely trust Republicans to do, it's not try and interfere with the democratic process.

But am I being too harsh when I call Greg Abbott a piece of shit? Am I the jerk here? I don't think so. I mean, he's the one threatening to withhold people's pay. And I'm pretty sure the House Democrats were fulfilling their responsibilities by not letting the Republicans get away with this nonsense. So I say again, Greg Abbott: what a piece of shit.
"One way or another we're going to pass this SB 7 and finally put an end to the
zero cases of voter fraud that happen every never. Sure, opponents say it could
disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters, but that's a price we're willing to pay."
-Greg Abbott, noted piece of shit

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