Monday, February 18, 2019


So I get that Alec Baldwin's kind of a creep and no stranger to angry, threatening tweets, but still, I'm rooting for him on this one.
Wait, he knows SNL isn't the news right? Holy shit,
 did he think he was watching himself on the news?
If nothing else, Trump's presidency
has made SNL great again.
Yup, that's the President musing about how television networks are just allowed to criticize him and how come they aren't facing swift retribution? Apparently he was butt hurt that Alec Baldwin reprised his Trump impression to mock the President's declaration of a national emergency. You know, the one that sixteen states are currently suing him over? Anyway, I think the irony here is that SNL for the most part isn't funny. In fact, the only thing keeping them in the zeitgeist is ripping on his administration. In many ways, he could solve everyone's problem by resigning.

He then suggests that this should be looked into, because something something 'the real collusion...' Holy shit, right? Like, the obvious answer to why they can get away with 'Republican hit jobs' is because this isn't Stalin's Russia, but shouldn't he know that? Isn't he the President of America?
"What, suddenly he's pro-investigation?"
-Robert Mueller
I'm just being diplomatic. Their
beef with Obama was that he's black.
Because they're racists. Some of them
maybe just a little, but still, racist.

And yes, we are now living in a world where the President of the United States is feeling threatened by an SNL skit and so is making weird, sweaty threats about retribution. Threats against Saturday Night Live. He basically called for a Nixon-esque Saturday Night Live Massacre. I mean, how did we get here again? Like, I know the people who voted for him are by and large unreasonable goons, but is this the world they really want to live in? Like, their beef with Obama was that he wanted people to have affordable health coverage, but their guy wants NBC tried for Lèse-Majesté.

Huh? Yes, I looked it up so I could sound fancy. It's a French term for the crime of insulting the King or Queen of a country. In effect, treason. Which, no. I mean, he's a former game show host, not Louis XIV.
Although he does like to pretend he lives in Versailles.
"It makes perfect sense, and you in the media
had better start being nicer to us...or else..."

-Sarah Huckabee Sanders
There's nothing that says anyone has to be nice to the President. If anything we're obligated to express our disgust, because America. In fact, he himself spent the eight or so years leading up to his Presidency railing about Barack Obama, but now he seems to put making fun of the President in the category of ' grounds for retaliation.' Meanwhile, insisting for years that Obama was secretly from Kenya and therefore illegitimate based entirely on a rumor that he himself made is totes fine. How does that even make sense? Oh, right.

Anyway, Baldwin tweeted today asking if he should be concerned about his safety and no, of course he shouldn't, but he's got a point. Threatening critics with retaliation is some straight up fascist nonsense and someone ought to 25th Amendment the shit out of him before it's too late.'s too late, isn't it?
Pictured: Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe who thought
about, but evidently didn't, 25th Amendment the shit out of him.
(not pictured: all the dumb, angry 
tweets from the President about this)

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