So hey, like, bring the kids. |
in a recent interview, Jai Courtney, one of the actors in the unnecessary and
preposterously named Terminator: Genisys, said the following:
"I would love to see it be rated R, but I don't think it will. I think in this day and age, it's much more likely to be PG-13. There were no f-bombs. But there'll be a healthy amount of movie violence."
And in doing so
perfectly summed up everything wrong with the Motion Picture Association of America, and possibly Jai Courtney. I just don't understand how we're supposed to take the people who hand out movie ratings seriously when they're totally cool with gratuitous violence and cruelty as long as there're no swears or genitals.
F-bombs: no. Hydrogen bombs: abso-fucking-lutely. |
I'm not saying it's impossible,
just somewhat unlikely. |
Courtney's prediction is just him talking, and not official or anything, but it would be in line with the last Terminator movie:
Terminator: Salvation, which, despite being a depressing, two hour slog of murder and violence was light on swears and therefore totally acceptable for thirteen-year olds. Look, I'm not in favor of shielding kids from the real world, but it's not like genocidal chrome kill-bots from the future are likely to come up. Hearing the word
fuck at some point in their lives on the other hand, is probably in the cards.
"Gosh dang, this is probably going to smart quite a bit..."
-Carey Elwes in Saw,
before amputating his foot
Everyone knows the MPAA is a outmoded dinosaur of an organization wielding an unreasonable amount of power over a doomed industry and if we just wait long enough they'll evaporate along with the dark, sticky-floored movie houses over which they rule with an arbitrary fist, but to they have to be so blatant about it? It's objectively ridiculous that swearing warrants a higher content rating than violence, but for whatever reason MPAA and their bullshit ratings still carry an unreasonable amount of weight, effectively determining how widely a film will be distributed and how it will do commercially.
They just shouldn't be a thing anymore. It's like the emperor has no clothes, but nobody does anything about it. We all just let him continue to wave his flaccid, impotent authority at the American film industry like some creeper in the park.
Above: the titular unpleasant analogy. |
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