Thursday, March 15, 2012

It is now officially known as: Pennsyltucky.

' just have to close your eyes.'
-Governor Tom Corbett,
sounding like a rapist
Yup, the Governor of Pennsylvania really said that (see right). And yes, it's in reference to a bill which would, among other things, require women to undergo an ultrasound (in some cases an invasive intervaginal ultrasound) before being allowed to have an abortion. Which is like, legal. The proposed bill is part of a new craze sweeping the nation whereby Republicans, frustrated by the fact that women can exercise control over their bodies, are trying to make it even more difficult both physically and emotionally to have an abortion.

"We don't hate women. We just don't
trust them to make decisions on their own."

-Rick Santorum*

This is one of the reasons people think Republicans hate women. Abortion rights is one those areas where left and right should totally be on the same page. Democrats are all about respecting women and their rights, and Republicans are supposed to be all about individual rights and self-determination. I mean, look at Ron Paul, he doesn't even believe in roads or public school. In the venn diagram of political philosophies the right to control one's body should be firmly situated between liberal and conservative. So can someone tell me why everyone in the GOP is so interested in running for President of Your Vagina?  

What? They like guns and tea bagging.
*I mean, it sounds like something he'd say.

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