Friday, April 15, 2011

The President just pulled a Bartlett!

This is kind of how I picture
politics anyway....
Sorry to do double whammy politicy posts (I swear my next one will be about Transformers 3), but lookit this: the President is talking shit about Republicans. I know, finally. Like I get that President Obama from day one has at least tried to be the classy politician, which is sort of like trying to be coolest Star Trek fan. But having watched Democrats roll over to Republicans for years no matter how crazy, it's refreshing to see him punch back.

"Hang on, I didn't say I'm pro-
cancer, I just hate women.
there's a difference."

-John Boehner*

Sure, the stuff he supposedly said sounds a little too sound-bitey to be really off-the-cuff and the thing about representative Paul Ryan is like straight out of a debate but somehow I don't care. This isn't like the time Bush called that reporter a major league asshole (pot, kettle) for you know, asking questions. These remarks, rehearsed or accidental, voice frustration about Republican tactics which are, let's be fair, shady as shit. Cast your mind back to when we nearly had a governmental shutdown and a certain party, let's call them Shmepulicans, decided we could definitely do with fewer cancer screenings for women. Look, I don't care how crunchy the budget crunch gets, cancer=bad. Also, it's a pretty dick move to use the crisis as an excuse to mug Planned Parenthood.

Hey, remember when President Bartlett pulled something like this on the West Wing? No? Here's the link, go netflix it or something. Basically, Martin Sheen's the incumbent and decides to talk some smack about his opponent after an interview and then pretends the whole thing was a mistake and that he didn't know the camera was on. Awesome. American politics should totally be more like the West Wing (British politics are).

"Man, if I weren't fictional, I'd be ragging on these guys every other day. I'd close every speech with:
God bless America, and please give that dickwad John Boehner a canker sore."

*Ok, John Boehner didn't say this exactly, but for real, who sides with cancer? I know the government is out of money, but when you're broke you don't forgo food to buy smokes.

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